Right, so it's now two and a half months later and I am in Cambodia with a body guard. China, Hong Kong, Thailand and Vietnam have flown by and I am now fighting off Tuk-tuks in Phnom Penh with Patrick.
I will be a good girl and fill in the gaps at some point soon. For the moment let's just say it has been the adventure I was looking for and I've loved every minute - even the ones I've hated.
Phnom Penh is interesting (and yes, I think I do mean that in the sense my art teacher used when grading my work at school). As with so many places I've seen in Asia, it's all about extremes: extremely poor alongside incredibly rich, surprisingly friendly alongside shockingly aggressive, eerily peaceful alongside amazingly hectic. It's not a city I can say I love (I'm saving that for Bejing, Hong Kong and Hanoi for the time being), but it's certainly not boring.
Yesterday's trip to the Russian Market started with intestine, blood and rice porridge (mmm!) and was followed by bargain flipflop buying. We then took a walk through the city and an accidental visit to the red light district in the evening. Today's outing was a little less... erm, not sure what the word is. We went out to the killing fields and to the prison used during the Pol Pot regime. It is not a cheerful experience - but it is a very eye-opening one. The memorial displaying skulls and bones from the thousands of victims is an image that does not need photographing to stay with you.
And on that note, we shall be making our escape tomorrow up to Siem Reap. The Palace here will have to wait until our return next week.