Monday, 11 April 2011

Day three in Delhi – the one when I tried to find wifi

My last day in Delhi, so what did I do? Final sightseeing? Soak up the culture? Nope, I spent it looking for wifi. I promise this wasn’t just for a Facebook fix – I needed to download some work. Firstly I took a little tour of the coffee shops in Connaught Place. Nothing. Then I tried the tea shop in the famous Oxford bookstore. Shut (damn Sundays!). Then I walked all the way back to where I’d started and found it in the foyer of a guesthouse opposite mine.

I was going to go to the Lotus Temple. I was going to go to Humaun’s Tomb. But by the time my wifi hunt was over I had a blister on the bottom of my foot and no mind for meditation or sights.

Food on the roof while watching a big procession pass by on the road below, a little work, then bed with crappy TV (a TV in my room. Woohoo!) instead.

The Sunday Parade, Delhi.

Oh I know how to have fun.

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