Friday, 2 April 2010

The end of the world

It's Sunday and I am officially slap bang in the middle of nothing. There's nothing as far as the eye can see - with only the odd camel, horse and yak to break it up. For the first time I am without any phone signal at all. Strange that they struggle to get decent signal in Crystal Palace and yet not Siberia. Mongolia, though, is off the end of the world. I don't think I've ever felt so far from civilisation... It is stunning though - last night in particular. There was no light for miles and miles other than the nearly full moon reflecting off the ice and snow. The hills looked so dramatic as silohettes against its brightness that it took your breathe away. It was really quite special, and worth every hour of the journey so far to see. Today the hills, ice and moon have been replaced by miles and miles of desert sand in every direction. Most of the snow that was left this morning had been melted by the sun that is currently cooking me through the window and the ground looks strangely brown and dry after days and days of sparkling white.

Amazing. :-)

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