Monday, 5 April 2010

Family time

I am now if South Korea with my sisters and parents. It was a bit of a shock to the system after two weeks all alone! Although at least I am less likely to miss flights now... Leaving Beijing should have been a very simple process. I knew where to go, I left enough time to get there...however I didn't schedule in time for a little zone out on the underground, missing my stop by four stations, jumping off the train and getting back on to retrace my steps... All was well in the end though and I arrived late but still in time to check in.

Seoul is a very different city to Beijing. It's very modern, very clean and very man-made. Even the river through the city centre looks new and shiny! My family and I have tested out the food on each other, walked miles and miles, shivered (it was freezing in the evenings!), and just about managed not to kill each other. Yesterday (Sunday) we all marched off to see Seoul Tower which is up a very big hill. My parents, Esther and her hubby went for the cable car option, while Lydia and I braved the long walk up. Partly because it was cheaper (Korea is a lot more pricey than China), partly because I fancied the exercise, but mostly because my fear of heights has had enough of an outing in the last week.

My sisters and I are now in Cheoungju, which is where Esther and Jang Geun (her husband) live. So far we've had a tour of her flat and wardrobe! Later we're off for dinner - traditional Korean indoor BBQ. Mmmm.

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