Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Esther's wedding

Where to start? A Korean wedding is very different from the traditional English one. Forget white dresses, formal sit down meals and confetti. Instead there's hanboks, eat when you want noodles and chickens!

It was a lovely day - the rain held off so the ceremony was held outside. I didn't really understand what was going on - there was a lot of alcohol drinking though! First of all, Esther had to climb into a very small box and her friends carried her up the hill to the temple. Then there was a very complicated looking ceremony involving lots of passing of cups and throwing of chickens. This was all followed by a smaller family ceremony where Mum and Dad had to throw dates and chestnuts at the happy couple! Apparently the number that get caught matches the number of children they're going to have - 3 girls and 1 boy!